Airport stats

Airports Statistics #

You can access STATS via the SUMMARY page and clicking on STATS> button in the bar.


By clicking on an airport you’ll display the RWY you used for takeoff and landing.

Slide to the left to access to further stats.


By the same way, by clicking on airport you’ll access to your delay (global and by airport).

D0 : less than 1 min (and ahead of schedule)

D3 : less than 3 min

D15 : less than 15 min

>15 : more than 15min

By sliding to the left again, you can see the outcome of your DL code in terms of minutes.

For actual and global airport delay status, see AIRPORT DELAY & QFU

For delay stats per flight, see GLOBAL DELAY STATS


By clicking on Stands button you can see all your parking positions, by airport.


By filling fuel data within your flights (fuel burnt, estimated fuel burnt) you can display the average over/under fuel consumption per destination.

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