This is a summary of your flights including amazing statistics. The stats are sorted by 28days – 90days – All Time – Current Year/Month.
You can edit your 30days/90days/year limit by clicking on these fields.
By activating the toggle “Extended Stats” you’ll display more statistics like Equivalent distance (did you ever wonder how many times you flew the Earth-Moon distance, or how light-years ? (I mean minute-year 😉 )
You can see how many liters of fuel per 100km you burned, or how many PAXkm/L did you carry, how many tons of CO2 did you emit.
The green VALIDITY is related to your recent experience (3 TO and 3LND in last 90 days in the case of Single Type Rating. The Dual Type Rating is also supported, including SIM experience)
The white bubbles (in the image above the value is 4) represents the numbers of SIM takeoffs and SIM landings.
The graph shows your monthly flight time. By clicking on the button MONTHLY/YEARLY/TYPE you’ll display your flight time accordingly.
Here you can select a date range to display total SIC / PIC / INS / NIGHT / TAKEOFF / LANDING
This part represents your global delays on all your flights range. The blue bell curve is the OUT delay, the grey one the IN delay.
You can edit your desired range by sliding the left and right handles to change start and end dates.
Below are the numeric values extracted from the curves :
- MOST OF THE TIME is the delay more often encountered (in term of number of flights). Not very representative although.
- AVERAGE : the classic mean. It takes into account all flights, it means if you have 99 flights on time and 1 flight with an excessive delay, your mean will be very impacted.
- MEDIAN : like a mean, but the extreme values are ignored. This is the more representative value.
D0 : less than 1 min (and ahead of schedule)
D3 : less than 3 min
D15 : less than 15 min
>15 : more than 15min