Import your Log #
iOS ONLY (Dropbox not available for Android)
You can import you old logbook into FlightLog in order to have all your flights, although it’s not recommended.
Importation modules are compatible with LogTen Pro, CrewLounge PilotLog, RosterBuster,, CommOrg, OffBlock
You can also import any csv file, with column matching.
- Go to SYNC > Dropbox and login with your Dropbox account.
- Within your LogTen Pro app (OS or IOS), export your logbook with the following options selected : Export > Export Flights (Tab) and save the file in your Dropbox in the Applications>FlightLog Sync folder (it’s better to first SAVE your log in Dropbox as the app will create automatically the folder for you). You can do the same for your aircrafts list (Export Aircraft option). Please check your file is named “Export Flights.txt” or “Export Aircraft.txt”. NOTE : do not export the file “aircraft-types” in your Dropbox folder.
Then in your FlightLog app, go to SYNC tab > Dropbox, and you should see buttons to import flights and aircrafts. If not, please check your exported files are in the right folder.
- Go to SYNC > Dropbox and login with your Dropbox account.
- Export your mcc logbook as a CSV file. Rename it as “Export Flights.csv” Save it in your Dropbox in the Applications>FlightLog Sync folder.
- Then in your FlightLog app, go to SYNC tab > Dropbox, and you should see buttons to import flights and aircrafts. If not, please check your exported files are in the right folder.
- wait for data generation.
- Go to SYNC > Dropbox and login with your Dropbox account.
- Export your Rosterbuster logbook as a CSV file. Save as it in your Dropbox (don’t rename it) in the Applications>FlightLog Sync folder.
Then in your FlightLog app, go to SYNC tab > Dropbox, and you should see buttons to import flights. Your aircrafts will be imported also. If the buttons don’t show up, please double check your exported files are in the right folder. - Then in your FlightLog app, go to SYNC tab > Dropbox, and you should see buttons to import flights and aircrafts. If not, please check your exported files are in the right folder.
- wait for data generation.
CommOrg #
- Go to SYNC > Dropbox and login with your Dropbox account.
- Export your CommOrg logbook as a CSV file. Save as it in your Dropbox (don’t rename it, it should be excel flight.csv and excel sim.csv) in the Applications>FlightLog Sync folder, one at a time.
Then in your FlightLog app, go to SYNC tab > Dropbox, and you should see buttons to import flights. Your aircrafts will be imported also. If the buttons don’t show up, please double check your exported files are in the right folder. - do the same thing with excel sim.csv to import sim sessions.
- Then in your FlightLog app, go to SYNC tab > Dropbox, and you should see buttons to import flights and aircrafts. If not, please check your exported files are in the right folder.
- wait for data generation.
OffBlock #
- As OffBlock doesn’t have export option, you have to contact OffBlock developers to receive your flight data. You should receive a .csv or .xls file.
- Rename this file to Export Flights.csv and save as it in your Dropbox in the Applications>FlightLog Sync folder.
Then in your FlightLog app, go to SYNC tab > Dropbox, and you should see buttons to import flights. Your aircrafts will be imported also. If the buttons don’t show up, please double check your exported files are in the right folder. - wait for data generation.
If you have an other logbook software, or even your own Excel file, you can try to import it within FlightLog logbook.
- Export/Convert your logbook in .csv format.
- Rename it to MANUAL.csv
- Arrange eventually your data to better fit the following format.
- Save it in your Dropbox in the Applications>FlightLog Sync folder (it’s better to first SAVE your log in Dropbox as the app will create automatically the folder for you)
- in FlightLog app go to : SYNC>Dropbox and press MANUAL IMPORT. If the button doesn’t appear, check that your csv file is in the right folder.
- Match the right fields then press IMPORT. The blue fields are mandatory.
- wait for data generation.
Recommended format for importation:
Note : It’s not recommended to import your old logbook : stats will not be available and it can generate some bugs as logbooks data are not in same format.
It’s far more recommended to log your total flight time in SETTINGS tab, under SETUP TOTAL FLIGHT TIME.